2023 Scoring
The 2023 APGC will be using a new format for scoring. The typical score card is being replaced by the MiScore App.
Where do I get the app
The app is able to be downloaded from the Google App or Apple App Store. It is free to download. See FAQ’s below regarding activation and costs.

Listed are some videos available on YouTube on how to use the app. If you need any further help, chat to your local club first, otherwise use the Contact Us form
Frequently asked questions
How much does the app cost?
The app is free to download. Some states have been using the app for their club games and will not have to download it again.
If you have not activated the app, it is subscrptiion service and costs $16-49 per year.
Do I have to pay the fee to use it?
The app can be used for a 14 day trial period, once only.
If you are going to use this option, do not activate the app prior to 11th March, otherwise you will need to pay for the app to play in the last event on the 24th March.
Is the app hard to use?
The videos above explain how the app is used. To add a score, you swipe right to left, add your score and your partners score. At the end of the game compare scores before submitting. You then sign the app and submit the scores.
How do I log in?
You will need to add each course we play to the App in the week leading up to the events. Your details will be in the event, pre-loaded by the software company. You will then identify your playing partner in the group who you are going to score for and them for you.
I have the app but can't add the APGC
Some golf clubs only pay a minimal amount for you to access the app at your home club.
If this is your situation, then you will need to pay the $19-49 subscription to access the APGC scoring.
Facial recognition phones
If you have a facial recognition phone, ensure you unlock the screen and in the App and change the settings to not lock the screen as well as the phone.
What if I don't have a smart phone?
If you don’t have a smart phone, you will be issued with a paper score card. This is the exception and will only be issued after your committee has been consulted. Your registration will be checked for mobile device contact.